Giving Feedback
Hannah’s House welcomes your feedback as it is important for us to know what we are doing well and what you would like us to improve. Families, friends, advocates, staff or others in the community are welcome to provide feedback or lodge a complaint.
We take all complaints and feedback seriously and aim to deal with your feedback promptly and fairly, providing you with a response in a timely manner.
There are several ways you can provide feedback to Hannah’s House (outside from any formal evaluation or satisfaction surveys we may seek from you if you are receiving services):
- Provide verbal feedback to a member of your care team.
- Complete the online feedback form below.
- Complete the written feedback form and post to Hannah’s House, Suite 3, Level 1, 92 Walters Drive Osborne Park, WA 6017.
- Email your feedback to
Making a Complaint
Hannah’s House is committed to ensuring that all our clients and their families/carers are free to lodge grievances, to have them dealt with promptly, fairly and without fear of adverse consequences, and to have those grievances resolved if possible.
All complaints will be dealt with in ways which respect your privacy and in accordance with our ‘Feedback and Complaints Resolution’, ‘Privacy and Confidentiality’ Policies. Copies of these policies can be made available on request.
You can express or lodge a complaint or concern using the ‘How to Provide Feedback’ methods described above.
If you are not happy with the provision of supports or a resolution provided by the Clinical Team and wish to make a further complaint, you may contact the Director of Clinical Services on 08 6319 2850.
If you are not happy with the resolution provided by the Director of Clinical Services and wish to seek further clarification, please direct your concerns to and your concerns will be directed to the Hannah’s House Clinical Governance Committee.
If you are not satisfied by the outcome, you can ask for the complaint to be lodged formally with the Chair of the Board and seek an appointment to discuss your concerns.
If we cannot resolve the complaint to your satisfaction, you can contact an independent agency including the NDIS Commission and Health and Disability Complaints Office who will offer further support to resolve your complaint.