Terms & Conditions
Overview: These terms and conditions are designed to support and protect you while you fundraise for Hannah’s House. Please take the time to read and understand these guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us. It’s essential to stay informed and periodically check for updates, as we reserve the right to make changes without separate notification.
Responsibilities and Expectations
Approval for Fundraising:
You must obtain authorisation to collect funds on behalf of Hannah’s House. If your fundraising application is approved, we will send you an ‘Authority to Fundraise’ email or letter. You should not start fundraising until you have your ‘Authority to Fundraise’ email or letter.
If you are younger than 18 years old when you submit your application, we will ask for your parent/guardian’s consent. You must have a parent/guardian’s consent before fundraising for Hannah’s House.
We may decline permission if your proposed activity does not align with our mission, values, objectives, or branding.
Applicants with prior criminal convictions or pending cases will be considered on a case-by-case basis. You MUST notify Hannah’s House if you have a prior criminal conviction or pending case.
Use of Brand:
You cannot use your approval or association with Hannah’s House for personal gain.
You must always seek Hannah’s House’s permission before using our brand to promote your business or donating a percentage of sales to our cause.
Always ensure transparency in communicating the amount donated from sales related to our cause.
Prohibited Activities:
We do not endorse or approve any unlawful activities, political affiliations, firearms, alcohol or tobacco-related initiatives, X-rated or violent content, or any other objectionable materials.
All activities must maintain a G rating to protect the reputation of Hannah’s House.
Conduct and Behaviour:
Fundraisers must uphold high moral values throughout the fundraising process.
Fundraisers must maintain dignity, propriety, and decency in all interactions, including public promotions, supplier dealings, and social media engagement.
Prohibited behaviours include the use of illegal substances, intoxication, inappropriate language, bullying, intimidation, or threatening behaviour.
The Fundraiser must not approach Hannah’s House’s corporate partners for sponsorship of their fundraising activity (a list of these partnerships can be found on our website). Additionally we request that the Fundraiser consult Hannah’s House should they wish to approach any company to support their fundraising activity. Hannah’s House can assist you to ensure that corporate sponsorship and support is in accordance with the aims and values of Hannah’s House and does not adversely affect the existing corporate partnerships of Hannah’s House.
Involvement of Hannah’s House:
If your initiative involves specific participation from Hannah’s House or its staff, specify this in your proposal for consideration before making commitments. Hannah’s House has the right to decline initiatives that require specific participation from staff.
Door-to-door fundraising methods are not permitted.
Updates and Changes:
Inform us if you make changes to your fundraising initiative after receiving approval, as this may affect your authorisation.
Obtain written permission to use Hannah’s House intellectual property, including the name and logo.
Each request will be assessed individually.
You are solely responsible for your fundraising initiative’s financial aspects.
Promotion and Messaging:
Do not make statements on behalf of Hannah’s House without official authorisation.
Ensure that public promotions maintain consistency in messaging.
Notify us of any public relations opportunities.
Privacy and Consent:
Seek consent from individuals before sharing their experiences in a public forum or promotional materials.
Respect the privacy and wishes of individuals, particularly those involved in the wish program at Hannah’s House.
Approval Revocation:
Hannah’s House reserves the right to revoke approval or consent if your activity negatively impacts our image or reputation.
Revocation may occur if you fail to meet these terms and conditions or for other reasons.
Conclusion of Initiative:
Ensure your initiative concludes by the approved date.
Hannah’s House Fundraising Pages:
You must ensure your fundraising pages adhere to Hannah’s House branding guidelines.
Prohibited content includes material infringing on intellectual property rights, unconsented images, or offensive material.
Hannah’s House may remove offending content from fundraising pages or close the page.
Remittance of Funds:
You must remit the net proceeds collected for Hannah’s House within 14 days of your initiative’s completion.
You may contact Hannah’s House if you need an extension.
Financial Transparency:
You must aim to keep costs below 40% of your income while fundraising.
You must acknowledge that you are fundraising for Hannah’s House’s benefit, not for personal gain.
Use of Images and Information:
By submitting photographs or information, you grant consent for their publication by Hannah’s House.
Represent that you have the necessary rights or consents for submitted content.
Understand that content shared on social media may be republished on Hannah’s House platforms.
Use of Personal Information:
You consent to the use and disclosure of your personal information for fundraising activities and in accordance with our privacy policy.
You agree that consent given under these terms and conditions remains in effect.
Legal Responsibilities
Permits and Insurance:
You must ensure compliance with local regulations, including obtaining necessary permits for your fundraising activity.
Note that your initiative is not covered by Hannah’s House’s insurance. Inquire with your venue provider regarding insurance coverage if applicable.
Hannah’s House has no responsibility for insurance matters in relation to any fundraising activity undertaken by you (the Fundraiser), and you agree that Hannah’s House will have access to copies of your policies on request. In special circumstances, Hannah’s House may be able to assist with insurance and indemnity cover, dependent on the nature of the fundraising activity. If you are unsure whether your event requires insurance, please contact Hannah’s House.
Liability and Indemnification:
The fundraising activity will be conducted under your name and the activity is the sole responsibility of you (the Fundraiser).
Participants release and indemnify event organisers from claims, losses, property damage, injuries, illnesses, or deaths arising from the event.
You (the Fundraiser) agree to seek medical advice before committing to physical challenges.
Health and Safety:
Verify your physical and mental capability to safely perform your fundraising activity.
Seek medical advice for activities that may pose injury or harm risks.
Tax Deductibility:
Donations over $2 made directly to Hannah’s House are tax-deductible.
You do not have authority to issue tax deductible receipts on behalf of Hannah’s House.
Tax-deductible receipts are not provided for the following cases:
Purchase of goods or services related to the fundraiser including raffle tickets and auction items.
Monies raised and/or donated on behalf of others.
Compliance with the Law:
You must comply with all applicable laws, including fundraising regulations, permits, and COVID restrictions.
You must adhere to privacy laws when handling personal and sensitive information.
During fundraising activities, all fundraisers must comply with the National Fundraising Principles outlined below:
Always explain the purpose of their charity and the purpose to which the funds raised will be applied in ways that are appropriate for the audience.
Always be clearly, and individually, identifiable by the public (including to display identification that contains the individual’s name, whether they are a volunteer, employee or acting in some other capacity for a charitable organisation or commercial fundraising organisation, and that organisati mon’s name and contact details).
Always make and keep written records of fundraising activities that can be easily read and understood.
Always acknowledge and comply with a:
refusal to make a donation
request not to receive future solicitations (including marketing and promotional materials)
request to be contacted at a more convenient time or by a different means
request to limit the number, type or frequency of solicitations.
Never conduct door‑to‑door or telephone fundraising activity at the following times:
before 9 am or after 5 pm on a weekend
before 9 am or after 6 pm (door‑to‑door) or 8 pm (telephone) on a weekday
on a public holiday, unless the public holiday is closely connected with a fundraiser’s charitable purpose.
Never mislead, deceive or knowingly use false or inaccurate information when fundraising.
Never place undue or unreasonable pressure on a person when fundraising, or act unconscionably in any way to obtain a donation.
Never exploit the trust, lack of knowledge, lack of capacity, apparent need for care and support, or vulnerable circumstances of any donor.
Always make it clear whether a donation is a one‑off or an ongoing donation, and clearly explain how to end an ongoing donation.
For commercial fundraisers engaged to fundraise for a charitable organisation, never accept a donation without having explained that they are part of an organisation that makes a profit from fundraising as well as how they are paid.
Find more information about your State or Territory’s fundraising regulators below.
WA – The Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor – http://www.rgl.wa.gov.au
ACT – Access Canberra – http://www.accesscanberra.act.gov.au and ACT Gambling and Racing Commission (for raffles and gaming) – http://www.gamblingandracing.act.gov.au
NSW – Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing – http://www.liquorandgaming.nsw.gov.au
SA – Consumer and Business Services http://www.cbs.sa.gov.au
QLD – Office of Fair Trading – http://www.fairtrading.qld.gov.au and Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing (for raffles and gaming) – http://www.olgr.qld.gov.au
TAS – The Liquor and Gaming Branch, Tasmanian Gaming Commission – http://www.gaming.tas.gov.au
VIC – Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation, Minor Gaming Unit – www.vcgr.vic.gov.au
Privacy Statement
Please find our Privacy Statement here – https://hannahshouse.org.au/privacy/
We appreciate your commitment to fundraising for Hannah’s House. You must adhere to these terms and conditions to ensure a successful and lawful fundraising experience. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to contact us at (08) 6319 2850 or info@hannahshouse.org.au.